Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Time capsule

Don't know why tdy feel like blogging much... probably to get away from that feeling.
As i said, i watched finishing tekkaman blade. I saw this very interesting and heart warming thing:

A time capsule. This is NOT an alien object, don't worry.
Time capsules are actually very durable containers which allows a person to put stuff inside.
In the past, a parent will give his children a time capsule. They are to put anything that they treasure inside it and a tape recorder to record their voices into it.
They record to stuff that they had always wanted to say to the other party.

After 5 to 10 years later, then the time capsules can be opened. This allows the party to deliever the feeling of love to one another. Especually if they are fightning now, a time capsule is a very good way to remember past times.


Damn it, What the hell is this feeling???????????????????
Feels damn heavy in my heart. Does not feel good.
Like there is an emptyness in my heart....

Makes me feel damn frustrated with myself.
I am missing something.. but WHAT DAMN IT....

No comment.......

Just watched finish tekkaman blade... damn gripping storyline. Cried at the ending.
Yeah, i know, any sane person will be like OMGWTFBBQSAUSE. U cry for an anime??????

My answer is yes. The primary different between an anime and western cartoons is that animes are based on manga. And i believe that the author puts his heart and soul in writing that book.

I cry as I am so touched by the storyline and the development of the characters.
Graphics are secondary before a well executed storyboard and character development...
Btw, tekkaman blade is a damn old school anime..

I remember, 1-2 years back, there was a show that made so touched that i cried till my nose bleed...

Anyway, that aside. I got all the pics already, just need to complie them together and sort them out. I forgot which is day 1 2 3 4 and such..