Friday, June 06, 2008

A new beginning, a new story to tell

As it says... well more or less i guess.
I'll be posting up my random doodles that i have thought of for a story. i'll just cut and paste here, so i guess its gonna be kinda messy.
Oh, and heck the spelling errors, i did it on notepad.

Q. Whats the story about?

A. i got no idea. Its RANDOM doodles after all

Q. So urm, how much you write everyday?

A. Its RANDOM... so there is no definite upload or whatever...

Q. Why are you writing this?

A. I like to imagine and to write out stuff. Just a hobby which i hope i can turn professional someday..............

Q. Can i leave rude comments?

A. I don't really mind as long as they are constructive. An example would be "Hey this sucks". I don't like that. However, if you say "Hey, this sucks, it got no flow to it. You take a look at this line to this line, it doesn't fit the story at all." etc etc. Those kind of comments are more then welcome.

Here goes the background of the story... well, not really a through background..

Earth has been destroyed utterly by war. Thanks to the intensive chemical and nuclear warfare used, toxic remains cloud the skies, so much to the extent that the sun's rays are blocked. The air is hazardous and breathing it will cause severe damage to the body. Due to that, humans now live underground to escape the toxic gases.
As there is a lack of food and other neccessities, humans are only allowed to live until the age of 25, whereby they will go for an evaluation to determine their "worth" to the community. If they are found to be worthless; frail, sick and unable to work, they will be erased. If they passed the test, they will be able to extend their lives by 5 more years.

- The government
After the war, in which 99% of all leaders were assassinated or killed and earth lost 80% of its population, the 1% rallied and united the people together. The government then established strict rules to "ensure the survival" of the human race while they lived underground.
A member can continue to serve in the government until 40, (there has been a few exceptions to this rule). When after 40, they have to step down and be erased.

- Babies
Newborn babies who are born sickly, pre-matured or with any defects are killed immediately. Only babies with near perfect health are allowed to live. At the age 6 months, babies are injected with small cylinder of poison, which has a timer of
25 years and 1 month. Babies who fail to go for this procedure will be tortured along with their parents - By sending them all up to the surface world.

- Poison Cylinder
The poison cylinder has a timer attached to it and a ignition switch located somewhere in the government building. Besides being a poison cylinder, one can also use it to identify him/herself and there is a tracking chip attached to it, keeping everyone in check. Using surgery to take out the cylinder is considered a grave crime and if detected, the punishment is to release the poison in the cylinder slowly, letting the poison siphon the person's life bit by bit.

- Society
"Society has no need for the weak."
Perhaps this phrase would fit this society perfectly. The only few occupations are farmers, miners, factory workers and the government. There is no need for anything else. Man mostly take up farmers and miners, whereas woman are mostly factory workers. Since the maximum age is 25-30, and with the regulating of babies, society has never grown to more then one million at any one time.
There are special government occupations as well. These jobs are only taken by people who possess savant ability, which number less then 1% of the population.

The sky has been covered with toxic clouds. Dark, thickening wastes roam the skies and rule the clouds now, making the air extremely poisonous to breathe in. Throughout the lands, once glorious buildings of the past now stand in line with crumbling rubble and debris. The oceans are polluted beyond recoginition, the waters have turned murky green and acidic. The only access to the surface world is by sewer grates, which is shut airproof. Occassionally, two types of people will go up to the surface world. One is to salvage for canned food and materials.
The other, which will stay in the surface world until he/she dies... This is the toughest form of torturing that exists now.

-The toxic poison.
This poison is made up of chemicals which were used in the war. The chemicals fused together and a new breed of poison was formed. This poison has 5 stages.
1. The poison enters the body and lies dormant for about 3 days. During which, is it extremely contagious. The infected person will breathe out this poison into the air, making everyone who is close to him suffer from the poison as well.
2. After 3 days, the person's skin will begin to dry up, suffering from severe dehaydration. Drinking water will not help as the poison will evaporate the water instantly.
3. After 5 days, the person will have great difficuilty breathing and will constantly cough out blood. His nerve cells will become hyperactive, making the person extremely sensative to pain. A slightest touch can result in pain.
4. After 7 days, the person will suffer from the sahara syndrome. This will make the person feel extreme heatness for 12 hours and coldness for the next 12 hous. A process which is repeated for 3 days.
5. At the 10th day, the final effects of the poison will surface. Firstly, all body functions will shut down one by one, next, foam will come out of the person's mouth and the person's eyelid will suddenly feel heavy, as though he/she is preparing for death. According to records, those that die all leave behind a smiling and peaceful face, as though this poison is a test of faith from God to him/her.
Even when an autopsy is performed, nothing much can be found about the 5th stage of the poison.

First chapter..

The sun rose quitely. It's crismon rays penerating through the slient sky of azure.
The mixing of the 2 prime colors provided a sight that was a feast for the eyes.
With an added supporting cast of clouds, it furthered serve to beautify this mystical scene. For once, when red and blue merged, no other color was formed. One could see both colors intertwined with shades of clouds clearly. Its horizon stretched to unfathomable reaches...

Seeing sunlight, I immediately knew that it was a dream, yet I could not bear to bring myself to wake up from this reverie


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