Tuesday, April 04, 2006

No comment.......

Just watched finish tekkaman blade... damn gripping storyline. Cried at the ending.
Yeah, i know, any sane person will be like OMGWTFBBQSAUSE. U cry for an anime??????

My answer is yes. The primary different between an anime and western cartoons is that animes are based on manga. And i believe that the author puts his heart and soul in writing that book.

I cry as I am so touched by the storyline and the development of the characters.
Graphics are secondary before a well executed storyboard and character development...
Btw, tekkaman blade is a damn old school anime..

I remember, 1-2 years back, there was a show that made so touched that i cried till my nose bleed...

Anyway, that aside. I got all the pics already, just need to complie them together and sort them out. I forgot which is day 1 2 3 4 and such..


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