Sunday, June 16, 2013

My summary

Its been 5 years since I last posted. Many things have happened since then. NS, a short stint of work life and my enrollment into DigiPen, which is probably the one of the biggest gifts from God.

Reading the old posts again, I realized that I have forgotten a lot of things that I promised myself that I wouldn't forget. I wanted (and still want) to write stories, I wanted to get closer to God, I wanted many other things and I wanted to feel how is it to love someone. I find myself being pretty apathetic to my surroundings.

Well, lets go bit by bit on what happened in the last 5 years. I graduated from poly and entered NS at 2009 3rd or 4th June. I was in Tekong and then I got posted to IMOS and then RSS Freedom as a WCS (called WS now). I met a few good friends: Uncle Lim, Leonard, Justin, Wee Kiat, Augustine and Ricky. I always had this thought that we were the perfect strangers - Each of us had something that the others don't.

After NS, I enrolled into DigiPen, hoping to get inside with my DET buddies, but I got rejected. It was so devastating for me at that time. I wanted to get in so bad that I appealed my appeal (I know). Once I found out that I wouldn't get in, I was totally lost. I spent so much time hating on myself and just watching comedy shows to make myself laugh so as to forget the pain.

This went on until October when I got a job as an IT support at Kewill. Those were pretty good times too. Darren, Ray and one more guy (sorry!), thanks for being there and I hope that you guys have found your path in life.

I left Kewill at the following February to work on a Starcraft 2 map, hoping to add that to my portfolio because I wanted to try to get to DigiPen again. What happened then was nothing short of God's miracle. 

I applied to Digipen the same way as last year and I also applied to SIM as well for their Digital Security Systems (or the other way) course. As expected, I got rejected from DigiPen again. However, my application to SIM was successful. Since appealing is free, I went to appeal to SIT using my sc2 map and my work experience while I also went to make my payment to SIM. After settling all administrative fees and issues with SIM,  the unthinkable (well, if you've read this far, its probably not that unthinkable to you) happened - I was granted an interview.

I went to ask my friends what will be asked in the interview and they all told me one thing, well, two really. A point has no direction. A vector has no position. I memorized those two things and went to read up on more about points and vector, but I got no idea what they were talking about.
At the day of the interview, I got through the first part with ease because it was asking me how much I know about DigiPen and the life I will have for the next 2 1/2 (now probably 3 or 3 1/2 ) years.

The second part of the interview was a maths test, which I flunked totally, absolutely, undoubtedly. (Feel free to add in more adjectives to describe how it went) and I think to myself, "What a wonderful world~". Right. I was pretty devastated after this. I finally had a chance to enter DigiPen and I blew it out of the water. When the two interviewers told me to sit down, the first thing that they did was to tell me the school fees. Even then, I wasn't really listening and I just replied "Yes". "I know". If I wasn't about to get it, why should I even bother with this.

I met my friends on my way back home and they told me not to worry. There is always an alternate point of view - Since I was showed the course fees, it obviously means that they are interested in me. Well... I sort of agreed and felt better.

A few days later, the unTHINKABLE  happened. I was accepted, but it was a conditional acceptance. I had to take some Maths courses to get in, which I promptly agreed. I went to SIM to cancel my application for the whatever Digital course (That was what it meant to me after the conditional acceptance) and I remember very clearly that the lady asked why. When I told her the reason, she said "Good luck". Not in a sarcastic manner, but in a sincere manner. I don't really remember her now and probably never will, but I wish I did.

After some hardship and frustration with maths, I finally got into DigiPen. This ends a part of my story, one which is possible because of God. Its a happy ending, but no ending lasts forever. With every end comes a new beginning and my step into DigiPen in Sep 2012 is the beginning of another story of turbulence.

I am currently in Semester 3 and there have already been so much going on in my life. Not that I am complaining though, I am actually pretty happy to have these troubles with me. Motivation also becomes an issue after a while because I am just so tired and I want to let it all go. I guess the only way to survive is to increase my motivation levels, which is a lot easier said than done. However, after reading my posts back in 05 to 08, no matter how immature I sounded back then, my passion for stories and games is real. And it still is.

Things that I want to do
1. Get a picture everyday when I reach home and do a short writeup about the picture.
2. Read one chapter of the bible every morning. (random flip i guess)
3. Get myself motivated
4. Build Millennium

Well, I've said almost everything that I want to say. Its 2am in the morning now, so... goodbye virtual readers! 

P.S arrayoflight is actually my paladin's name back in Diablo2, I have another paladin called arrayofhope. Just wanted to write this down in case I forget about it.

I've been thinking a lot (Not really, but I have always wanted to say that). What dreams are made of? How can I make something that is intangible, tangible?