Sunday, May 11, 2008

Back again

Hi again
Its been almost 2 years since I last posted.
I am sure that there is no one reading this now, which is just as well for me. I don't wish to tell
anybody new about this blog as well.

Looking back at the old posts of this blog sure feels nostalgic. I remember vividly the secondary
school days that i had with so many people and the good old times of clan kNs and dota.
We all wanna grow up fast. But now, i feel that I am growing too fast in age, but my heart and soul
still remains stagnant.
I still feel like a secondary 4 student studying (if i did any) for his O levels. In that classroom which only had fans and no air-con to cool myself.
Hearing the teacher's nag and drag on the lessons are sore memories in the past, but they are
treasures that cannot be reclaimed now.
Sitting all the way at the back of the classroom, analyzing everyone's action and boredom,
I still remember quite clearly everyone's behavior in class. After all, I hardly talked much and
I had full view of almost everybody in class.

Getting praised and scolded is something of the past. I don't feel anything now. No joy, no sorrow, no emotions that will encourage me. I only hope that I will be able to grow out of this secondary 4 shell.
Luckily for me, I have some friends whom i still keep in contact since secondary 4. Those are of course, from the same class as me and a few who are from different classes.
It was amazing as how my class of 4E2 managed to stick together after everything that happened, with a few exceptions of course.
No class is perfect by itself... Ironically, thats the beauty that makes the essence of the class.
I can't imagine 20 Isaac(s) in the same class together. How boring it will be. Everything will be so predictable and static.

Recently, i am losing confidence in myself in this DET course. I am seriously wondering whether have i chosen the right path... why did he let me choose this path.
Getting by through luck these 2 years... like in good groups and such, its taking a toll on me now

The only time when i really worked hard is the first semester of this year... where i had different partners. Although it was a harsher experience for me, i still feel that its pretty worth it.

Right now, I am gonna post some random stuff that I thought off for my game script.
  • Show thoughts on what the character is thinking and seeing
  • There must be a sense of belongingness... this is the hard part.
  • The sense of attachment is important.
I am just doodling these down in the blog.
Until next time we meet again.


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