Sunday, February 26, 2006


Sorry for the super super late post.. i posted all my images up and then POOF.. all gone....zzzzzz
Then i got lazy and decided to postpone it and do it one day at a time instead of all 5 to 6 days..
Their char siew is like 10x bigger than those misers in singapore XD
First day was quite boring though.. besides the fact that my merci chocolates MELTED IN MY POUCH AND MY PASSPORT HAD CHOCOLATE ALL OVER THEM.... basketball @_@

Gold coast in HK was utterly lousy and borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrringgggggggg
Save for the sweet ice fruit....... wahhh that was heavenly.....

The biggy christmas tree in GC ( gold coast)
My cousinnnnnnnnnn at the GC beach
This was probably the picture that i took the most shots of oO
ehh.. i forgot about this one but i am sure its at GC :D
Yup, nice dolphins... golden... pictures... looks gd eh

My cousin's family with the dolphins
I think this picture is obvious XD
I do not know who took this but...
Urm.. dolphins again
Sigh.. i got forced into this. There was a video about this
My cousin's father did not know how to use the camera and switch to
video mode lol.. damn funny

That concludes the first day.. the rest of the days were A LOT MORE FUN.. posting them up soon.
Btw, any1 knows how to upload videos to blogspot? i got a couple of videos to upload...


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