Saturday, August 13, 2005

August 12th friday 2005 Mood - solemn/sad
Finally i decided to c8 a blog. Its kinda normal though, coz i hav no time and no expertise to do it haha. So, if any1 is willing to teach me, i would be glad :D

Well, tdy is a very bad day for all... SIGHHHH i can't believe that i got a patheic 14 for oral. Damn, this suxs lol. Well after getting O chinese results, many ppl broke down, mostly out of tears. I just say my grade la, a patheic C6 lol. Must stop dotaing 30-40 hours a week lol. better cut down to like 7 hours a week.

Very inspired by planet shakers and their songs. It not only restored my faith and it changed my attitude towards god. I even did QUIET TIME!! WAHAHAHA.

All i can say to comfort those that cried is that. What I am about to say might be a little too harsh and offensive, so, please forgive me haha.
Crying WILL NOT make any difference, in fact, crying is an evasion of reality. NOTHING will change even if u shed a bucket of tears. U will only show to ppl that u are a spoiled child. To me. crying ismore of a motivation. Usually, after a person cries, he/she will feel the need and urge to do or complete something. If a person does not realise this, he/she is actually qutie spoiled, cannot even take failures. We all learn from our mistakes. Might as well turn it to resolve.

Urm.. does any1 knows how to put all blogs in the main page ( thats the main page, so.... HELP!! I AM STUCK SUPER STUCK

Sentence of the day :D
Lift up yr eyes - chorus

The train of his robe fills the temple with glory
Heavenly hosts fall before Him in worship
Crying holy Holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty


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